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比利时鲁汶大学Ronald Rousseau教授应邀来我中心做学术报告

作者: 来源: 时间:2016-06-30

    2016年6月29日下午,应科技评价与创新管理研究中心邀请,比利时鲁汶大学Ronald Rousseau教授在图书馆4层会议厅做了题为“The most-cited articles of the 21st century" 和 "Being metric-wise”的学术报告,中心主任刘云教授主持了报告会。我院管理科学与物流系郭颖博士、技术经济与战略管理系叶选挺博士、及图书馆相关教师,科技评价与创新管理研究中心及知识管理与数据分析研究中心的研究生参加了报告会。

Ronald Rousseau教授做学术报告

   在“Being metric-wise”报告中,Rousseau教授以期刊影响因子为例,介绍了如何正确使用如H指数等的评价指标,指出了这些评价指标的主要特点和局限性,并提出了优化评价方法。在“The most-cited articles of the 21st century”报告中,Rousseau教授基于H-core方法研究了21世纪世界高被引论文情况,对其合作团队、研究领域、国家、机构和作者均被引等方面的演变趋势进行了分析。

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Ronald Rousseau 教授简介:

Prof. Ronald Rousseau is President of the ISSI (International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics, 2007-2015), and guest researcher at KU Leuven. He got his doctor degree both in Mathematics (Leuven University) and Library and Information Science (Antwerp University). He is the Recipient of the Price of the Belgian Academy of Science (1979), and the recipient of the Derek J. de Solla Price award for scientometrics (2001). He is the co-editor of the Journal of Data and Information Science (JDIS), and the member of the editorial board of Journal of Informetrics, Scientometrics, etc. He is a highly cited researcher (Thomson Reuters) = top 1% in the field of Informetrics. He has an h-index of 28 and a total of 218 publications in the Web of Science, among which 74 are written with Chinese colleagues.