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作者:闫哲 杨芳娟 来源: 时间:2013-10-21

    2013年10月18日,联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)生命周期与气候变化教席负责人、联合国环境规划署(UNEP)生命周期计划委员会委员、欧盟绿色产品生命周期观测台负责人Pere Fullana Palmer博士应邀来我院做主题为“Life Cycle Management and environmental improvement: ecodesign, ecolabelling, environmental product declarations and carbon footprint”的学术报告,报告由刘云教授主持,管理与经济学院有关老师及科技评价与创新管理研究中心的研究生们参加了报告会。










Dr. Fullana is currently the Director of the UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change (formerly named GiGa research group) and the Green Dot Packaging Life Cycle Observatory both at ESCI (Universitat Pompeu Fabra). He is CEO at Cyclus Vitae Solutions S.L., an environmental consultancy, spin-off from GiGa.  He is well-known as expert in Critical Review and Life Cycle Management. He is also Spanish delegate for the ISO 14000 series of standards, editor for the International Journal of LCA (IJLCA) and Board Member of the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative. He is former Chair of the SETAC Europe LCA Steering Committee and first LCA practitioner having been a SETAC Europe Council member. Before working at ESCI he was the Technical Director of the environmental consultancy Randa Group, S.A. Dr. Fullana has participated in more than 25 European projects and 250 national research studies in environmental management, LCA, ecodesign, environmental labeling and clean technologies. He is a Head Auditor for the ISO 14001 Standard and EMAS. He is a member of the International Expert Group for Life Cycle Assessment for Integrated Waste Management.